Hi John B., But at the risk of sounding like we've formed a mutual admiration society, you should include yourself in the list of admirable volunteers. I attended one of your charity fundraising shows in the O.C. during IPO. Actually, the show at CBGB'S is modelled after the house concerts that Ira and Heidi Rosen have been doing in their home in New Jersey. Almost all the bands played in their dining room. Since the Rosens have been busy lately, I decided to fill the void. My dining room is too small, but the good people at CB's offered their room. It's a good opportunity for fans of the music to see the club before it shutters. The only band that will be unfamiliar to most readers is Humbert, who were selected "Best Pop Band" in Miami, and whose CD has garnered strong reviews by Mike Bennett and Bruce Brodeen. They are more experimental than the other bands on the bill. See ya, Sherman