S. Boim: <> Hey Sherman, congrats on putting together a fine, fine evening of pop music. In my opinion, folks like you and Dave Bash (and others who put on shows and festivals, labels that release pop music and artists who expend their time, talent and money to record it) deserve major huzzahs from folks on this list. I wish I could be there at the gig, but LA-NYC is a heck of a road trip. For me personally, I enjoy reading about folks making an effort to add something to the pop music community, a lot more than someone like, say, Beatle Bob. In my opinion, this guy is nothing more than a clown in Carnaby Street clothing, someone who shows up at festivals and gigs only to draw attention to himself (and steal the attention away from whomever is onstage performing). I also hear that he will not show up at a festival unless he is comped and put on the guest list. PLEASE. What the hell has he ever done to help put pop music on the map? He's an embarrassment and nothing more than a sad, pathetic footnote. One of my favorite Poptopia moments (anyone remember Poptopia?) was when Kim Shattuck of The Muffs literally kicked Beatle Bob's ass off the stage after he wormed his way onstage and tried to do his shuck and jive B.S. during their set. I think that may have been the same night he spent 15 minutes of the Sun Sawed in Half's 30-minute set introducing the band in a rambling, semi-coherent spiel. Feh. But I digress...Sherman, David, Bruce, Jeremy, Anna and all the rest of you...thanks for everything you do. Even though it is not said or written nearly often enough, your work is much appreciated. Getting down off my soapbox now. John B.