And not necessarily good bands either.I am shocked at this documentary.I have seen this guy several times in the Chicago area doing his dance,and just thought he was some local crazy guy.I had no idea he is a fixture in the musical scene.The bands that I have seen him dance to are a lot of Americana type bands at Fitzgerald which makes no sense.You would think he would seek out pop bands that fit his image more.Bizzare! And who knew Mojo Nixon was still around? >From: (Sherman) >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: Beatle Bob >Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 15:53:37 +0000 > >Hi Bob, > >I saw the preview, and his character reminds me a bit of Rodney on the Roq. >It's mainly a happy bio, but there's an underlying sadness about a person >feeling compelled to stick around at a club seering bands, just so that he >can fufill a self-mandated required dose of music. > >See ya, >Sherman