It's only rock 'n roll. I suspect Todd was writing lyrics to fit the tune. It's a throwaway for sure, but I find it to be a catchy throwaway. YMMV. But I agree: it's no "Eastern Intrigue" or "Zen Archer". Jason Damas wrote: << That said, it was a damned catchy tune. >> I do agree, and in fact when I first heard a snippet of it, it actually raised my hopes that this might be an OK thing. But when you hear the song a few times, you realize it wears thin very quickly. Most importantly, and absent almost entirely from this discussion so far, is that the lyrics are COMPLETELY horrid. It's some of the most miserable dreck I've ever heard--while the whole "I'd love the chance to treat you right/but not tonight" but is totally an Ocasek nod, through and through, Todd's rationale for why is pretty lame--basically he doesn't have time for this lady because he's gotta check his mail, or clear his outlook Calendar. The bridge--the absolute nadir of the song, with a horrendously queasy key change and melody--has Todd saying he could "move things around and cancel stuff" but that he won't. I mean, for real--isn't Rundgren supposed to be a BETTER lyricist than the notoriously spotty Ocasek? He certainly phoned this one in. That's, I guess, what bothers me the most--some have said things along the lines of "well, if the music's good, who cares?" But the thing is... it isn't. It's embarassingly terrible. And yes, I do find Doug Powell's songs for this project to be far better. I wish they would've chosen him, because that would've been less a deliberate cash-in and more of an attempt to create something kind of new and cool. I look forward to the release of his compilation that will have this material, because I think it will be an interesting and orignial take on another band's style without xeroxing it into oblivion. --Jason --------------------------------- Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.