I'll field this one, since Beatle Bob's story is a St. Louis one. Beatles Bob is the ultimate music man. It is widely believed that he does have a day job, but no one has been able to figure out what it is since he's a very private man. Back in the early 90's, it used to be a badge of honor for Bob to show up at your gig and dance at the stage while one performed. That is, until I saw him dancing for the most horrible groups as well as the good ones! He has a very original dancing style which no one has been able to duplicate. He truly is a dedicated music nut and his eccentricities are well established among St. Louis bands and some national acts. His presence on the local music scene has raised the question of his motivations. Is he there to celebrate the artists and their music or for his own self promotion as a local character? He insists that he is there to honor the music, but appearances indicate otherwise to some. He knows an awful lot about music and not many people know that he has an encyclopedic knowledge of baseball--right off the top of his head! Despite the issues I've raised, he's been very nice to me over the years and if he wants to turn his passions into some sort of documented celebrity, I guess that's OK. As members of the cult of personality go, he's a lot more interesting than Paris Hilton, although admittedly not quite as fetching. --Ken On 4/9/06 4:01 AM, "Bob Hutton" wrote: > www.myspace.com/bb_rocks > > Is this dude the real deal? Does he hold down a day job? >