"Here I come, making corrections again, get the funniest looks from people on this list. Hey, hey..." ...oh brother... I said... --- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "floatingunder" > > SD > NP: in my head—The Way Out's "Way Out" from Gilligan per Rob's post. That I some how posted the Way Out's were ON Gilligan is rather mind numbing considering they were, um, how should I say it, A FRICKIN' HEAD POPPIN' OFF, CARTOON GROUP!!! Rob's post put me back in that "mind set" of that era but I'm pretty sure they actually never appeared on Gilligan. Oye, my brain's tendency for being tangental and the need for more coffee. A dangerous combo platter. The Way Outs were on "The Flintstones". Thanks for the FYI from a kind list member! Steve (WIIIIILMA!!!) D