I've been busy for the last week with, what was it called? Oh yeah, having a life! But I wanted to add my two cents on The New Cars, based entirel on seeing the boys on Craig Ferguson last week. I agree with many auditeers that this is a cynical excercise etc. But I have to say I was happy to see Todd up there in fine pop rock voice (am I like one of those crazy loyalists who refused to surrender after the war?) fronting a tight band of professionals featuring Elliott Easton laying in the timely guitar fills. A song like "But Not Tonight" (is that the correct title?) rivals Fountains of Wayne (before you flame me, remember that I am practically FOW's biggest fan!) If this "band" were called anything but the New Cars, they would be a going concern. I know that they felt that they had to exploit the Cars legacy, and besides, mortgages are mortgages and Ric and Ben probably got more royalties in the heyday, but They should have called themselves "Pedigree" or "The Chug RIffers" anything but New Cars. Surely, the marketing could have loudly proclaimed "A NEW band, featuring Todd Rundgren and members of the Cars!!".... It's Dumber and Dumberer all over again, oh and Basic Instinct 2 flopped as well. Paul Myers Broadcaster / Writer / Musician --