On 4/4/06, Sager, Greg wrote: > > Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:49:16 -0400 > > From: rob@splitsville.com > > To: audities@smoe.org, audities@smoe.org, audities@smoe.org, > > audities@smoe.org > > Subject: > > =?US-ASCII?B?UkU6IFJlOiBUaGUgRWFybHkgV2hvIEJ5IEEgTGFuZHNsaWRl?= > > Message-ID: <200604032249.k33MnGjE083386@mmm1912.dulles19-verio.com> > > > > I've always felt that some of the earlier stuff you site, ie > > the Beach Boys-sounding stuff, while fun, was a bit silly and > > not really indicative of the band. > > > Sorry, Rob, but my mileage varies considerably. I think that the early stuff was *very* > indicative of the band, precisely because silliness was one of the prime elements of their > music back then. The more seriously Pete Townshend takes himself, the less > approachable and enjoyable his music becomes. Just want to say I agree with every word of Greg's post. Come on, overblown self-important 'voice of a generation' rock opera or clangy pop-punk with Beach Boys harmonies and silly lyrics? I don't think this is a difficult choice. To me the difference between pre- and post-Tommy Who is about the same as that between pre- and post-Lola Kinks. The later stuff has a lot of good in it, but I'll always choose pop over rawk. -- DUMB ANGEL HAS UPDATED 7/11/05! - Little Brian In Smileland http://dumbangel.keenspace.com A webcomic about Smile