The Beatles - I vote for early over late every time/ The sheer exuberance of the early stuff is sensational (She Loves You, Hard Days Night, I Feel Fine etc etc.). In fact mention of the word Beatle automatically makes me think of the Fab Four moptops, all running around daft like in their movies. In their latter years they were a great, great rock band. But I think the essence of untouchability, of indestructability, the very Beatleness of it all, had deserted them by that point: they were JUST a great rock band. The Who - It's a tie, I think some of the really early stuff is pretty lame (singles excepted), and this counterbalances the pomposity of Townsend's later work. If we concentrate purely on their singles though, I'd vote for "early". The Ramones - Early! Although their later albums all had at least a couple of great tracks. Bob PS Does anyone else think that the chorus to Sparky's Dream (by TFC) is the most obvious "Pictures of Lily" rip in existence? This e-mail is confidential, if you are not the intended recipient, do not retain/disclose it and please return it to us. We virus scan and monitor all e-mails but are not responsible for any damage caused by a virus/alteration of our e-mail by a third party after sending. For more information on Standard Life, visit our website The Standard Life Assurance Company, Standard Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH, is registered in Scotland (No. SZ4) and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Tel: 0131 225 2552 - calls may be recorded or monitored.