> > anyone know what's been going on with Tam > Johnstone/The General Store?! > > I spent the afternoon at a pub for a fundraising event > and the afternoon turned into the evening and my > friend and I got into a discussion about Tam and The > General Store, etc. She and I only recently > discovered that we both had heard his music, etc. I > seem to recall there was an IPO show in NYC where I > proceeded to drink many, many pints in a short span of > time and made a drunken fool of myself as The Marlowes > and The General Store were on stage! > > anyhow.... > > so I told her I would ask around here and within the > online music circles I tend to navigate, etc. > > btw, if you haven't noticed already, there is a page > on myspace: > > http://www.myspace.com/thegeneralstore Tam is massively talented, growing artist. Not Lame put out a record w/ him that, to this day, still leaves me agape with its quiet beauty. Tam deserved to be on a much better, bigger label and be hard by tons of people. He shopped his album last year a bit, no takers that I am aware of, which was INSANE as the album not only tops "Local Honey" (which is on sale at this link, ironically enough..... http://www.notlame.com/The_General_Store/Page_1/NLGENE1.html ), but could be one of my fave releases we'll (hopefully) see in 2006. He may end up putting it out himself, but here's hoping a nice sized label steps to the plate! Btw, Tam played a bit in the great jangle-psych-pop band from London, The Orgone Box, who have two excellent records out put out by Minus Zero( on the NL site, if anyone is interested). Peace, Bruce @ Not Lame