Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow... The New Cars website is up and.... Oh wow. Kasim Sultan absolutely and completely butchers "Drive." I mean it sounds worse than some karaoke version at a pool hall. It's like some choir teacher grabbed him by the lapels and screamed in his face, "Enunciate, Kasim, enunciate!" Oh man, it is so painful to listen to. The other samples are passable, although, Ocasek, Orr and company did them much better 20 years ago. Nothing new here except who sings the songs. I can see singing these songs in concert, but an album full of Cars remakes without Ocasek and Orr on vocals is pointless and senseless. Rundgren has a fine rock voice and has carved out his rightful place in rock history, but if there are only three new tracks on the disc and the others are Cars remakes with him singing....hmmmm....I seem to recall a Cars tribute album on Not Lame that is tons more interesting than this. What a complete disappointment. But I'll repeat, if you want to hear what could've been, go to www.dougpowell.com and listen for the five streaming tracks that sound like songs the Cars would do. THAT would've been worth hearing. Here's the New Cars link. Listen for yourself. This is just one guy's opinion. Best, Rick http://www.thenewcars.com/index.cfm - click on the small jukebox.