----- Original Message ----- From: "AssociationWorks" > Any *NEW* music worth talking about? THEY LIVE WE SLEEP by Brief Candles. They may be named after a Zombies song, but the vibe is much more like Yo La Tengo or My Bloody Valentine: male/female vocals, slow tempos, waves of guitar noise. Really good if you like this kind of thing. DEMONS by Envelopes. Franco-Swedish group based in England, and all I can think of when I hear this record is an old '80s band called Family Fodder. It's not so much that Envelopes sound like Family Fodder, but they have a really similar all-over-the-map vibe: parts of this album sound like the Pixies, parts of it sound like some old K Records twee-pop band, parts of it sound like the Arcade Fire, parts of it sound like the Cardigans. And this can all be within the space of a single song! I AM THE RESURRECTION: A TRIBUTE TO JOHN FAHEY Recommended only if you like Fahey and/or folks like Grandaddy's Jason Lytle, Sonic Youth's Lee Ranaldo, Sufjan Stevens, Howe Gelb, M. Ward (a massive Fahey head who put this tribute together) and Peter Case, but fans of the whole avant-folk thing will love this. In recent reissue news, Kill Rock Stars has released a best-of by Colin Meloy's pre-Decemberists band Tarkio, who are more traditional post-R.E.M. folk rock than his current project, and next month, Cooking Vinyl is reissuing the Heavy Blinkers' 2004 album THE NIGHT AND I ARE STILL SO YOUNG, which I think is the best sunshine-pop pastiche album pretty much ever. S