Rollie, Your point is well-taken but also out of context. In the case of the growth I was referring to the casual fans walking out of Rundgren's Liars shows since he was not going the oldies route. Most assuredly the New Cars doesn't show much in "growth," although I am not vehemently down on the music they are creating unlike some people. Again, I said that I've questioned the point of the whole exercise of New Cars, but the debate is tiresome. I won't be going to see any of the shows - too damn expensive, and Pat (mtn-high) is thoughtful enough to recommend spending that money in places better served (such as deserving Audities artists gigs or discs), which I likely will. Besides, I'll likely eventually see the New Cars on the obligatory DVD release down the road - it's the only trick that hasn't yet been exploited (aside from decoder rings). Do I wish that Rundgren had done something else? Yes. Will I appreciate his music less? Depends on the music - for me, that's all that really matters. Brioohs on 4/6/06 5:00 AM, at wrote: > Subject: Re: New Cars > Message-ID: <> > > << Again, I will point the finger at perceived nostalgia as opposed to > allowing > the artist to grow.>> > > But is it really "growth" when you're cashing in on another band's nostalgia? > (guess that's a rhetorical question) > > Rollie C.