Which reminds me: I'm not sure if I'm damaging the psyche of my 8-month-old > daughter or broadening her musical horizons, but her bedtime music for the > last several days has been "Stay Awake: Interpretations of Vintage Disney > Films." It's one of those albums I hadn't listened to in years, but I > broke it out for her, and, man, it's even better than I remembered it. > The Replacements doing "Cruella DeVille," Sinead O'Connor singing "Someday > My Prince Will Come" over a plucked acoustic guitar, Bonnie Raitt and Was > (Not Was) doing a sweet, soulful version of "Baby Mine," and a version of > the closing theme to "The Mickey Mouse Club" by Aaron Neville which...and > this I swear...will someday close a SOTT entry of mine. Will: Can't imagine you're doing her any harm. For what it's worth, my 8-month-old daughter loves dub and rocksteady. I was listening to it pretty much constantly while she was in the womb, and it's been playing quite a lot since she's been born. I swear that she stops what she's doing and responds to it, almost as if it's familiar to her. She's also become a big Steve Kilbey (The Church) fan. We play his solo stuff when she's having trouble sleeping. john.