Some interesting suggestions Mike, but as anyone who has followed Todd's career closely over the last 30+ years would summize, Todd doesn't like to look in the rear view mirror. In fact I think he doesn't like to look in the mirror at all (musically speaking). A "Runt" tour or "Something/Anything 35th Anniversary Tour" (which would be in 2007) ain't in the cards, IMHO. I find this "New Cars" tour mildly interesting since Todd always performs better when pushed by a band. Kasim and Prairie are talented musicians. As for the original Cars dudes -- I'm interested enough to go see them. I'll judge after I see them live and hear the CD. Mike Gladish wrote: What I don't understand is that if Todd wants to go out and play other band's material to make some extra cash, why doesn't he just go on another greatest hits tour with his own material, like Back to the Bars? Why doesn't he do a Runt tour, I'd pay to see that! He's got two LPs worth of material plus some choice covers would make a nice show. How about getting back together with Stewkey and the Nazz folks! Hell, I've seen the Raspberries, The Choir and Artful Dodger lately. I know, he wouldn't make as much money, but at least he'd be playing his own stuff and have a little dignity. Mike --------------------------------- Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.