I wrote to Nettwerk about the Josh Rouse pre-orders, and this was the response I got: ------- "Hello, We would like to inform you that your Josh Rouse CD is scheduled to arrive before the end of this week. The delay in receiving your purchase is due to a delay with the mailing system. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we thank you for your business and patience with this matter. Please inform us promptly if you do not receive your CD this week. Thank you once again. Best regards, Nettwerk Mail Order Department Nettwerk Productions 1650 W. 2nd Ave., Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 4R3 Phone: 1-800-764-3472 (N. America only) Int'l phone: (604) 654-2929 Fax: (604) 654-1993 Email: mail.order@nettwerk.com On line: www.werkshop.com Office Hours 9 to 5 Monday through Friday. Pacific Standard Time." --------------- I have a friend who works for Nettwerk, and not knowing that I pre-ordered it, she sent me a copy of Subtutilo in the mail. It arrived last weekend. My first impression of it is good. She also sent me the Robert Post cd, which is quickly growing on me. I'm getting a Nick Heyward/Nik Kershaw vibe from it. Noisepop has started in San Francisco. I'm going to at least 3 shows, starting tonight. I'm most excited about seeing The Brokedown tomorrow night and my new guilty pleasure, Smoosh, on sunday. Damian thegeniusiwas@hotmail.com