I always think of Crim's Discipline as the ultimate math rock record. It sounds like the music can be defined by equations. Like, if you plot 4x +x2y(y-z)/x-z, your solution will be whatever that is Fripp is playing. Also, I think of math rock as, you can imagine that the musicians have to be counting along in their heads to play the changes and changing time signatures. Remarkable thing about Fripp: his.. lips... never... move. I feel like, music and math are the languages of the universe. Math rock is when you can see how music and math resemble one another. However, math is probably the last thing you want in your head when grooving to some tunes (and that from a Crim fan.) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stewart Mason" > It's one of those terms that was very briefly in vogue (about a decade > ago, actually) but never broke out, largely because it's kind of dumb. But > as far as I could tell, math rock was mostly instrumental, all about the > time-signature shifts and mostly played really fast. Basically, think of > indie kids emulating King Crimson's LARKS TONGUES IN ASPIC. I think Polvo > was supposedly the quintessential math rock band. > > S