Still on my mad trawl through iTunes, I notice a lot of Pink Hedgehog label stuff on there (including the Anton Barbeau album sith "Stewart Mason"! ). Anyway, I spotted the unfortunately titled Cheese album, "Enlarge Your Johnson" on iTunes (I already had "Let It Brie"). I previewed some of the tracks and thought, "Yeah, this is worth a go", and downloaded the album. All pretty groovy stuff, complex melodies, gleaming harmonies, reminding me of Association, mid-period Kinds, Smile era Beach Boys. Anyway, I was patting myself on the back for downloading the album, when I heard the final track start playing. Oh .... My .... Lord. The song, called (mysteriously) "W" is utterly awesome. Guitars which have both fabulous jangle and crunch factor; stellar Big-Starry tune; harmonies that leap, sparkling, from yer speakers. Best song I have heard in AGES. Honestly guys and gals, you owe it to yourself to check this one out, even if it is only that one single track by the band. Apologies for the Brodeen-esque nature of the above, but I had to spread the word about this song Bob This e-mail is confidential, if you are not the intended recipient, do not retain/disclose it and please return it to us. We virus scan and monitor all e-mails but are not responsible for any damage caused by a virus/alteration of our e-mail by a third party after sending. For more information on Standard Life, visit our website The Standard Life Assurance Company, Standard Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH, is registered in Scotland (No. SZ4) and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Tel: 0131 225 2552 - calls may be recorded or monitored.