the bats put on an excellent last night at the rickshaw stop in SF (with actual rickshaws). They were really friendly, to boot. all the hipster kids were there for the Guillomots, and scattered immediately after their set, thank god. one tool had been loudly giving constant commentary to his friends, clearly audible over the music and the large amount of chattering going on in the back. it amazes me that people come to a concert then treat the band like they were background music. at least they can tell all their hipster friends/rivals that they were at the Guillomots show before everyone liked them... I would estimate a crowd of 500 dropped down to 100 for the Bats' set. and it was good. They are playing tonight in Berkeley at the Starry Plough. what is considered their best album(s)? I really like the new one. I think it's much better than Silverbeet and Daddy's Highway, which I also have. Damian