>Just saw a note this morning that Sony/BMG will be releasing a 2xCD >version of Sweet's "Girlfriend" album in May. No track listing yet... > > > >Chris Replying to the original rather than singling out any of the subsequent whines and cavil(s), I'll go ahead and state the obvious fact that when said super duper ultra extra 2CD version hits the street, *you don't gotta buy it.* I thought it kinda went without saying, but hey. If you already have the original CD and maybe do or don't have the GOODFRIEND stuff (which, yeah, seems to me to be the logical "extra" disc, or the basis thereof), no matter. OTOH, I suspect that if the reissue has enough "added value" (however you, the buyer/whiner perceive it), you'll suck it up and pay the freight. Bad, bad record companies, releasing more of the same for all those poor, poor fish who have to bite at whatever shiny hook flashes in front of 'em. Hey, I'll admit it. I whined myownself when Rhino did this with Elvis Costello's catalog after I'd bitten on Ryko's reissues ten years before. And hey, good for me I only ended up springing for THIS YEAR'S MODEL for the fourth time (counting vinyl in the day). After all, I think it's actually kind of cool that folks are offered this sort of choice. Better the stuff's out there to ignore (or not) than not to have it there at all. Speaking of which, Hey Rhino! PLIMSOULS PLUS, hmm? If Oglio can reissue ONE NIGHT IN AMERICA, why can't the best Plimsouls tracks be in print again? your whine here, b.s. "I tell you, when it comes to asking stupid questions and giving crazy answers, I don't need to go looking for help from my neighbors." -Don Quixote, via Cervantes