Bruce, While my wallet might not be happy I am, and I just wanted to tell you that the streaming idea is fantastic. I am tired of buying albums and being disappointed. But the Sweet Hoffs and Auer discs will bring the tally to 3 that I have bought because of hearing them first on the NOTLAME website. I know 3 is nothing compare to some, but I appreciate being able to sample more than 30 seconds and really making an informed choice. The Auer disc was the soundtrack to a lazy saturday afternoon this past weekend. I look forward to having the disc and repeating that many times over. michael vg --- Bruce Brodeen wrote: > Also, preorder it on NL, I've arranged w/ the label to get some limited > autographed booklets signed by Sweet 'n Hoffs. But we're almost sold out of > these...we're getting 100 and there's only about 10 left as of today(kid you > not!), so if this things tickles you, you should getting running. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around