Oh, and Sweet is obviously a major Neil Young fan; in addition to the 2 Young tunes here I've got him doing "Don't Cry No Tears" and "Cortez the Killer." ----- Original Message ----- From: "Josh Chasin" To: "Pop" Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 4:03 PM Subject: Sweet Hoffs As a stone cold fan of both Mathew Sweet and the Bangles (All Over the Place is still a little classic), this collaboration is a wet dream for me. I still remember picking them out in the Austin Powers film, showing my wife that MW and SH were in the on-screen band. Both share a kind of classicist pop sensibility, grounded in the 60s, that I'm a total sucker for. Just listening to the stream now for the first time; love the stinging guitars and of course the way the voices work together.