Hi Tom and everyone, That's been used a few times now on Idol. The first time I heard it I had forgotten it was Freiheit and I was thinking it was the best ELO song I had never heard. It's amazing that with melody even something like that can cross over to Idol viewers. Mike V. > From: WARFELT@Nationwide.com > Reply-To: audities@smoe.org > Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 10:14:08 -0500 > To: audities@smoe.org > Subject: Freiheit on Idol Last Night > > > The opening sequence on American Idol last night featured Freiheit 's > "Keeping the Dream Alive". I was working on my PC in another room and I > heard this, as my spousal type unit is a huge idolatrist and was watching > Stevie Wonder Night, and I could not believe they were using this. I > always thought this would be a cool song to cover if I ever made to the > finals! (kidding!) > > I only heard this song one time on the radio. It was WHFS in the DC > Metroplex. I went to the store and found it on a soundtrack to a movie. > I later found the groups first American release and it became a "never > leave the changer" deal for a long time. Then the internet happened and > discovered that there were like a handful of other releases in English and > Deutsche. I have them all. Pop Perfection. > > Tom "The hopes we had, were much too high" Warfel > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > What we leave behind is not as important as how we live. > -Captain Jean Luc Picard, USS Enterprise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >