At Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 05:11:13 Greg wrote: >Jaimie, I was going to point out that posting Sam Pocker's response to >Lefsetz without posting the original Lefsetz rant that had inspired it >makes it very difficult to follow the discussion. But then I realized that, >if I raised that objection, you or someone else might actually post the >Lefsetz rant, and I might accidentally read it. > >All of which is my roundabout way of saying "thank you for sparing me." You're lucky Lefsetz didn't actually send the initial rant or might have posted it...or threatened to :-) >It sounds as though Creedence Car Revisited is not turning out to be the >big success that Rundgren >and his new cohorts had hoped it would be. Can't >say that I'm all torn up about it. That's to be seen. Just because people are complaining about the band....and ticket pricing doesn't mean there aren't diehards that won't go. I've seen this situation a lot in recent years....especially in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV and movie world. Fan(atics) don't seem to have a problem mortgaging their houses and paying incredibly stupid prices just to breath the air of the Gods. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia