I'd like to plug Bullseye's pop and power pop stuff on iTunes (US, France, Germany....sadly not in our own territory of Canada). The following albums are now available: Dave Rave's "Everyday Magic" Creighton Doane's "Learning More & More About Less & Less" Jaimie Vernon "Broadcasts From The Twilight Zone" John Boswell "Stranger In The Mirror" Maureen Leeson "aka Moe" Jeff Jones "Positive" The Kings "Because Of You" The Kings "Unstoppable" Segarini "Gotta Have Pop" Soap Opera "Poised" Soap Opera "Welcome Ladies And Gentleman...to the Tangiers" We expect to have the following up there soon: Jaimie Vernon " Time Enough At Last" Creighton Doane's "Gladly The Cross-eyed Bear" Dee Long "Outside" Dee Long "Live Long & Prosper" Dee Long "Welcome To The Future" Various "It Was 40 Years Ago Today: A Tribute To The Beatles" Various "Men In Plaid: A Tribute To The Bay City Rollers" Various "Are You Ready, Steve? A Tribute To Sweet" Various "Around The Universe In 80 Minutes: A Tribute To Klaatu" David Quinton "The Wychwood Sessions" Segarini "Goodbye LA" Segarini "...On The Radio" Twitch "Twitch & Shout" Geoff Gibbons "Sentimental Maniac" Geoff Gibbons "Love Tattoos" Geoff Gibbons "Geoff Gibbons" Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" http://www.bullseyecanada.com http://www.bullseyerecords.com Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Pop_Encyclopedia/ http://www.myspace.com/jaimievernonsmovingtargetz