Brian, Glad to hear everyone's alright. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia >From: Brian Curtis >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Oohs are all okay but Springfield is a mess >Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 14:40:10 -0600 > >Just a quick message to let it be known that all Oohs are accounted for >after last night's thoroughly nasty storms. Our home town Springfield, >Illinois was messed up pretty bad by what was likely a tornado - lots of >damage in scattered parts of town, but the closest it came was to me and >missed by a handful of blocks. There will be a curfew in one section of >town, but otherwise no serious injuries and no fatalities. > >Brioohs >-- >THE OOHS at or >LLAMALAMP is here - LET YOUR INNER LIGHT SHINE! >Buy OOHS music at NOT LAME, CD BABY, KOOL KAT MUSIK, JAM, & TR BAZAAR! >