AT Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 01:53:43 Wiz wrote: >Cool! You should release more of those great canuck oldies! Then grab the new Segarini solo album re-issues...."Gotta Have Pop", "Goodbye LA" and "...On The Radio". I'm buyin' 'em >up. loved those Wackers discs. Who did those? Collector's Choice (The Wackers weren't technically Canadian...though they did end up here) >If you need me to bend Dane's ear (at Songhaus) let me know - he's a good >bud of mine - lives >down the road from me. Tell Dane to re-license the Kick Axe discs :-) Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia