At Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 20:21:43 CareerMan wrote: As is is, there is the whole >drop frame 29.9 thing they do anyway. So in fact your film is transferred >to >vid at a slightly different speed. Tell me about it. We've been assembling a Bullseye 20th Anniversary DVD of video footage going back to 1985. SOme of the footage was only ever saved on VHS (not Beta or Beta SP). We dumped everything into the editing software and begin correcting sound problems from drop-outs abd mono recordings by going back to CD sources pulled from the original audio master tapes. Well, guess what? The speed variation between the VHS, the converted frame rate on the G4 and the restored audio is so out-of-synch on some songs we can't use the footage because it can't be varied without the video looking stupidly fast or the audio sounding pathetically slow. A real shame. I wanted everyone to see how bad my mullet was in those days! Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia