they were obviously singing to tracks...but > >Actually, that was live....cause the horn section was barely audible and the >drum parts were missing. Plus, those high parts weren't exactly being nailed >by the bass player each run through....which they are on the record. > I don't think so... at the end when the synth sound wails there's someone screaming along at the same time in harmony and I didn't see anyone screamin'. And the fade is a dead give they don't ever show the drummer; that would've also be a dead giveaway, and lastly, listen to the sound of his hands clapping at the beginning, which is not on the recording. They would not have been as audible had they actually been playing. The volume would've forced them out of the mix(unless he was clapping 'on mic', and he wasn't.) and you'd only have that "live room" sound on a live studio set with nothing but monitors. The reason I think you barely hear the horns and the rest is that it wasn't turned up as loud as it is on the record in the live mix. Just sayin...I think the live album actualy shows them off as a live band more realisticaly. But this was way more fun to watch. later,joe