In The Red Records just put up Sparks' latest "Hello Young Lovers." And it's a great album. The Maels take the experimentation of "Li'l Beethoven" and put it to use on songs that are miles above what most pop bands could even conceive of, much less successfully create. "Li'l Beethoven" took several listens before what the Maels were going for sunk in. This one works on first listen. Fascinating as always. A recent discovery is the latest from Get Set Go. I had never heard their first album (still haven't), but the reviews that I've found of their newest disc "Ordinary World" indicates that the leader of the group, Mike TV (love that name), has had a rough few years and basically worked his therapy through his lyrics. This makes a lot of sense, as these are dark, mean lyrics about suicide, evil, armageddon, etc. But they are supported by lively, joyful music. It's primarily acoustic guitar with string backing when appropriate. The disconnect between the music and the lyrics gives the whole work a positive feel while dealing with some powerfully negative emotions. You get the sense that Mike TV has clearly wrestled with some demons, but the music has helped him get on the right side of the problems. I first heard part of the track "I Hate Everybody" on Grey's Anatomy several weeks ago and searched it out. But what I found has been so much more than what I hoped to find based on that one little sound bite. 2006 will have to be a damn excellent year for music for these two albums to not make the upper reaches of my year-end best of list.