Delurking.... This is kind of old news but good news... the pop band the Nines did an interview on Canada's national radio station, CBC and the show featured a couple of new songs as well as an interview with Steve Eggers . They have a new album coming out in the spring that Jason Falkner mixed and Andy Partridge also helped out on which is totally cool since they have been nowhere to be seen since 2001. Speaking of nowhere to be seen and speaking about Jason, it also seems like years since I had first heard word on his new album...I recently listened to a bunch of the downloads off his site a while back...great songs, Beat of a Heart, Princessa, man. _________________________________________________________________ Scan and help eliminate destructive viruses from your inbound and outbound e-mail and attachments. Start enjoying all the benefits of MSNŽ Premium right now and get the first two months FREE*.