Making a virtue of necessity. And as long as there's full disclosure -- here, with panache, no less -- then props to him. Makes the iPod a deductible expense, also, yes? I'm surprised I haven't seen buskers adapt this to use in T stations. I should also have a care what I wish for. -----Original Message----- From: "Sherman" To: Sent: 2/23/06 1:46 AM Subject: Another Interesting Thing One Can Do With Your iPod Nano Hi, If you are a performing artist wanting to fill out your live sound, you can download your synth-drum track or your keyboard track onto your iPod, and then press "play" during your gig. At least this is what Teddy Thompson did during his NY gig Tuesday night to celebrate his new CD's release. He had a full band, but included the recorded tracks on two songs. I'm guessing that many more bands have had the sound engineer press "play", Teddy made a show of it. Also, I saw Bain Mattox open up for dada last night at the Knitting Factory This musician from Athens, Georgia impressed me by his strong voice, good songwriting and guitar, banjo and mandolin playing. See ya, Sherman