--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, Dave Seaman wrote: > > Can anyone give me the dates for Chicago IPO? Also, has the schedule been > set yet, or if not, any big names available yet to whet our whistles? As Larry O. Dean graciously pointed out, you can find the IPO Chicago schedule on the IPO myspace page at www.myspace.com/internationalpopoverthrow I'm repeating his input only to add that once you get to the page with the lineups, clicking on each band name will take you to their myspace page (or their website, if they don't have a myspace page). And, to be honest, I really think that big names shouldn't whet anyone's appetite-rather, good music should. Of course what's good or bad is in the ear of the beholder, so I urge everyone to take 30 minutes to the IPO myspace page, check out the bands, and decide for yourself. Thanks, David