What band? There is no band. Just me & my 16 track recorder... (leading into Real Man). - michael On 2/23/06, Hersh Forman wrote: > Todd Rundgren did this in 1973 on the "Awizard - A True Star" tour. Of course back then it was a reel-to-reel. > > Sherman wrote: Hi, > > If you are a performing artist wanting to fill out your live sound, you can download your synth-drum track or your keyboard track onto your iPod, and then press "play" during your gig. > > At least this is what Teddy Thompson did during his NY gig Tuesday night to celebrate his new CD's release. He had a full band, but included the recorded tracks on two songs. > > I'm guessing that many more bands have had the sound engineer press "play", Teddy made a show of it.