Unless my eyes are failing me (always a possibility), I can't believe that nobody until now has mentioned this one: The Replacements-Alex Chilton Also saw a Ben Folds "Fred Jones" example back in a previous post; he's also had songs titled "Alice Childress", "Eddie Walker", "Where's Summer B?" (Summer B. being a person), and used the full name "Reinhold Messner" in an album title. Another one that comes to mind is Better Than Ezra, who had a track called "Allison Foley" on their criminally overlooked "How Does Your Garden Grow?", a 1998 album that is so much better than the rest of their oeuvre. Steve F http://absolutepowerpop.blogspot.com --- In audities@yahoogroups.com, Bill Sherlock wrote: > > Hi all, > > I have an idea for a comp. composed solely of songs whose titles are > full names, a la "Eleanor Rigby" or "Arnold Layne". I have those two, > "Tracy" "Jacks" and David Watts". Can you help me with any more songs? > > Hope it's not a pipe dream and if any group can flesh this idea out it's > this one! > > Awaiting your ministrations, > Bill Sherlock >