I want to write a manifesto on how great the 2005 Girl Group Sounds: Lost And Found Rhino (hat) boxed set is. I got it yesterday as a suprise present and it is UNREAL. I am stunned. It's pop from the gods. Most of my record collection is 60s music. I typically expect a compilation to have about 3 decent songs, if I'm lucky. I have already listened to 70 songs and it's all FANTASTIC. It matches the Nuggets and Acid Drops boxed sets for quality / packaging, and might surpass them for killer pop songwriting craft. There are heaps of songs that I have never heard from the Brill Building writing staff and great Brit songwriters like Graham Gouldman. Fans of femme pop (Dolly Mixture, Go-Go's, Mo-Dettes, Blondie), 60s psych, international and British Invasion rock will flip a wig over this. It's amazing and worth every dime. This is totally worth freaking out over. Rob http://www.baskervilles.net