I don't know if this is old news to some of you already, but I've just given a once through of the new Ray Davies disc "Other People's Lives" and I'm impressed. I find that too often too many of our favorite artists either don't age well, lose touch with what made them special, or try to recapture their youth with embarrassing results. Not so here - In fact the opposite is true in all three cases. Davies somehow manages to recapture his 70's Kinks heyday while updating his material & production to not sound dated or out of step. The only other album I can think of recently that I'd put in this catagory (60's/70's Artist comeback) would be Ian Hunter's 2001 release "Rant." - Dan FrankE __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com