I just got in the mail last night a nice little package from NOTLAME. 2 totally different CDS. Steve Wynn's new one and the excellent Willie Wisely disc Parador. Anyone one pre-ordered this and has not gotten yet.... you will be thrilled. The stream was great, but hearing it loud on my stereo what a beautiful piece of work this is. Still my favorite track is #2 Too Quick To Love. The Wynn cd is the polar opposite, but man I love this guy. what a loud, in your face Cd. The perfect ending to his desert trilogy. Anyone check out the new Minus 5? Sounds like on many songs they are channeling the Beatles, Badfinger, Blue Ash. Very interesting so far. michael vg __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com