I didn't have very high expectations for the Grammys, but decided to watch anyway. I thoroughly enjoyed 'em! There were people actually SINGING! There were songs that had melodies to 'em! Sugarland kept it together even though there was an open mic somwhere with all kinds of noise coming through. Sir Paul showed the youngsters he can still rock the joint with "Helter Skelter" Mariah and Xtina even sang! Okay, Xtina did yodel a little, but at least it was live. Jay-Z, Macca and the Linkin Park dude on "Yesterday"....when I heard the Linkin Park guy start riffing on "Yesterday," I thought he was just "givin' props" or dissin' Macca in the audience. I didn't think he was actually gonna join 'em. And Jay wore a Lennon shirt... I kinda thought Sly looked like the Grinch, with his head hangin' low and those droopy jowls. But from what little he did sing, it didn't sound bad. U2 rocked the crap out of "Vertigo" with what seemed to me to be augmentation-free. Only thing I can't figure out is what the green jersey was about that "Big Ben" wore... Madonna/Gorillaz and Kanye/Foxx...to me, just dance routines.