sure, i should have caught them being mentioned on this list and i should have grabbed a listen to PFR a long time ago. but i didn't, until joe giddings sent me some of their stuff. WOW! PFR is one of those bands that brings to mind the rembrandts or owsley, even sugar bomb or jellyfish... just hooks galore and no filler! yeah, technically it's christian pop, but you'd never know it unless you read the lyrics carefully, if that sort of thing is off-putting to you. so if you're into guitar-based power pop (and isn't everyone?) you owe it to yourself to check out PFR. i'm glad i did, albeit very late in the game! now it's all PFR all the time... just ask my wife! and, no, this is not a paid political ad. i've gotten many great suggestions from this list and i wanted to give one back! best, ned