I have seen the future of rock and it's name is Broken Social Scene.Ok maybe not that.But they just did an exhilarating appearance on Conan.Sprawling across the stage [shades of Bright Eyes when they are like an orchestra]with guitars ,horns,and two cool women singers full of energy just erupting into song.There was no real game plan to their stage presence, but man they cooked.I can't say enough about those women. They sang their heart out,danced, hugged,and just smiled a lot.They sure sold me.I have to see these guys live. Plus, like the Arcade Fire who put on a heck of a show, they are Canadian.There is something happening there . Does anyone know if one of the women was Feist? I know she is on her own tour because she just played Chicago to rave reviews. One sure looked like her. Was anyone else as moved as I was? Gene