Holy cow.... it's taken me over a week to figure out how to resub at my new email address... I've been getting the digests here, but I can't respond on this machine... I did sent out a notice about the upcoming Tripwires (Ramburg, Sangsterx2, and Pickerel) gig... They will be at SXSW too. The Mark Pickerel band, which is the same group minus Ramburg has been invited to play ATP in London. To be confirmed... And lastly there are rumbling that the new Jack White band is covering the Roy Loney era Groovies tune, Heading To The Texas Border. this is just a test. Glad to have mastered the convoluted methods of SMOE??? Gimme a proper GUI any day., rs -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records www.CareerRecords.com The new Donovan's Brain Site www.Donovans-Brain.net