----- Original Message ----- From: "Holmes Online" >> If I could've changed one minor thing, it would've been that TR play more >> freaking lead guitar > > He didn't even do that on his OWN tour last year. Not sure why - he's a > monster when he wants to be. He played some on the Liars tour, though not enough for me... I think he has so much confidence in Jesse Gress, and such a distaste for practicing, that he doesn't really see himself as a guitar guy anymore. Kind of a shame; I always loved his voice, even when he was less technically proficient than others he always had plenty to say, and a distinct way of saying it. I still believe Prince was influenced by Todd's guitar playing; play the end solo on a live version of "Just One Victory" (Another Live will do) and then the end of "Purple Rain" back to back and see what you think.