Like I said on the biggest Todd R list, call it anything BUT The New Cars. Holmes Online wrote: >>See what you all think. I'll say what I think later. (1) The inverse of his production jobs when he makes any of the bands he produces structure their vocals in a Utopian way (I won't even touch the irony there). It's only a short clip but it sounds like he's altered his own vocals to sound a little more Orrcasekian; more imitation vocal than genuine Todd. I'm less concerned that the background vocals sound very Car-ish because two of the three people harmonizing are singing what they always did. Would need to hear more to make a call. (2) Greg Hawkes and Eliot (Creedence Revisited) Easton do not cut - w/o Orr and Ocasek, it's not The Cars. And that advert misrepresents what's going on; with all the acts that reunite I'll bet many expect the original lineup (was that REALLY whioted out faces in that graphic??). I'd imagine a lot of people are unaware that Ben Orr is dead; but certainly most expect Ocasek to be involved. If Ocasek were dead this would be hard enough to swallow. With him obviously choosing NOT to participate...hmmmm (3) That said, I'm happy to hear Todd rocking. I'd go see Todd and Kasim play anytime they're around and I'll bet the show is a lot of fun. But it's an all-star cover band. At least it's a couple of musical and vocal chameleons and a strong drummer. (4) Would Carz or The Autos make me any happier? Nah. (5) Am I curious? Yep. (6) That car is 50 years old, not 17. b --------------------------------- What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos