-----Original Message----- From: Candybutchers To: Beth2459@aol.com Sent: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:30:54 -0500 Subject: XM Radio re-airs Mike Viola Greetings Candy Butchers fans! For those of you who have XM radio and those of you who are considering getting XM radio, here are the details on the Mike Viola re-broadcast: Loft Session #63 Candy Butchers and #47 Pernice Brothers (Double-Encore) 03/20/06: "Candy Butchers main man Mike Viola treats us to a super-fun set of songs from his latest CD, Hang On Mike followed by Joe Pernice and his band, featuring songs from their 2003 release Yours, Mine and Ours. Monday 12 noon & 9 pm, Thursday 3 pm & 9pm and Saturday 6pm, all times Eastern." Enjoy! Candy Butchers Central Proudly powered by Subscribe Me Lite