1. Chris von Sneidern – California Redemption Value (Mastromonia) 2. Mark Johnson and the Wild Alligators - S/T (Radioghost) 3. Jensen Bell – Modern Dating Tips (JB Standard Media) 4. The Click Five – Greetings From Imrie House (Lava) 5. The Rubinoos – Twist Pop Sin (Air Mail) 6. Fire Apes – Central Park Carousel (Kool Kat) 7. Valley Lodge - S/T (D-text) 8. Terry Anderson and the Olympic Ass-Kickin Team – S/T (Doublenaught) 9. Fran Smith Jr. & the Ten Cent Millionaires – Man Meets Machine (no label) 10. The Mockers – The Lonesome Death of Electric Campfire (Zebra) EP: The Brokedown – The Dutchman’s Gold Tribute: Lowe Profile, Substitution Mass Confusion Reissue: The Liverpool Echo Came Out in 2004, But Would Have Been #2 This Year: Tim Cullen – Fun Razor John B.