Well, they don't have the WHOLE back catalog, as some of that has been bought back or is under control of a different label now. Plus, I believe that the bands/performers have to agree to have their music available for download, which probably limits the availability of other discs. But since I tend to be more interested in the "weird" stuff, what's left is usually what I'm interested in!! There are several people on this list who have music available on eMusic - they'd be able to explain those intricacies more than I can. What I appreciate is that they do pay royalties, but they are also much more reasonably priced than other download services (with no DRM either) - what I haven't ever heard is whether the actual payment to the labels/artists is much different than through the higher priced services. I'm guessing that much of the 88 cent Wal-mart and 99 cent Itunes download price is due to administration overhead, not artist/label payments. But as I said, others would be able to speak to that much more authoritatively than I can. Jason Damas wrote: Also, speaking of eMusic, I'm considering finally getting a subscription myself. is it true that they have the entire SST and Stiff catalogs, as well as a lot on Merge and Matador? The only thing I DONT like is that you can't browse the offerings before signing up, and I've already had a free trial before so I can't do it again. --Jason