So then, who watched Love Monkey on CBS last night? I thought it was pretty swell, but that's outside-looking-in. I understand some in the biz have been flaming it for the liberties it took with "music biz" reality. C'mon, it's TV. Be glad there's a network show on at ALL about the music biz. I don't recall all the music snippets, but there were some choice artists burbling in the soundtrack (Nic Harcourt is a consultant/exec producer): Andy Stochansky, Rosenbergs, Badly Drawn Boy most notably. And when I say "burbling in the soundtrack," it was stuff that was *really* background music, either diegetic as music the characters have on in the background, or scene-change underscoring kinda stuff. I look forward to the CBS website getting updated with featured song info for stuff I may have missed (or not known). And it looks like they're pushing to make a big star of Teddy Geiger, featured as budding music star "Wayne," who certainly is cute in that pretty-boy kinda way, but I didn't get enough of a sense of him as a musician to know if there's much "there" there. Christopher