Stewart Mason: >A thesaurus is particularly useful when reviewing one of Eytan >Mirsky's records. Most editors will only let you use the phrase >"talentless hack" once per paragraph, so it's useful to have synonyms >at hand. > One can only guess what motivated this attack (aside from the fact that presumably Stewart sincerely believes it). It seems Stewart thinks it's all right to attack musicians but not to point out the errors of "writers." I could be wrong, but I can't even recall ever sending Stewart a cd to review, though it's possible he could have acquired one some other way. And while far be it from me to argue with the label of "talentless hack" applied to me from the infallible authority of Stewart Mason, I will take some small comfort in the people who, having ordered all four of my cd's, urge me to record more music (though it's doubtful I will).