New stuff sounds cool. Where is your year end list theat we all look forward to.I am guilty as well.Actually finishing today.But yours is much anticipated.Please say I haven't missed it. Gene >From: "David Bash" >Reply-To: >To: "Audities" >Subject: Re: General store / post warble? >Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 10:03:13 -0800 > >--- In, Dave Seaman wrote: >> >>A few questions for the list: >> >>Can anyone remember the name of the guy who put out the CD "General Store" >>a >>few years ago? > >Yes, that would be Tam Johnstone, a very talented singer/songwriter who >also happens to be the son of Elton John guitarist Davey Johnstone. He's >finished a follow up album which IMHO is even better than the debut, but >isn't released yet. > >You can check out The General Store on > >-- >Pop Rules!!!!! >Take Care, >David >